Friday, October 15, 2010

Fear by H.E Bates

This story about fear its a true story because people we are different in mind and the way we are created some are nervous and some cannot experience fear. So i am saying this is true and it cannot be avoided. As the writer "said that but the chilld  would never cease to cast the old man great swollen eyes about to the hut figdet on trembling  hauches and show that he was afraid"  this is coused by fear. The man was also afraid of his wife death  when he think of it he think that he will die soon and he began to sweat due to fear or as a result of fearing.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nelson Mandela (extract from : long walk to freedom)

The story about Nelson mandela is a real story that happen during the long walk to freedom. This tell us what happen to them when they were fighting for freedom, it explain also how they suffered by their enemy and how they were treated. There were racial threatening between the african and foreighners "apatheid's regulations extended even to clothing" this mean that they were received short trousers,insubstantial jersey and a canavas jacket while the indian given a long trouser and socks.They were seprated from general prisoners because they were considered as risky fro a security perspective but more dangerous from political standpoint.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

my experience about creating blog

It was my first time to create blog and i was completely lost. I try it for more than two times. but it is easy now for me to create it and i am hapy to know it very well, it also add more to my experience.